17 May 2008

a new blog

i've decided to launch an additional blog. i know, i barely write on this blog anymore so launching another one probably seems double crazy. it might be, but i feel like i need to do so. for the past couple of years i have become increasingly committed to practices of environmental stewardship (greening, care for the environment, tree hugging, whatever). my motives are primarily theological. i believe God created everything that exists and gave us the cognitive capacity to care for it all. we've done not such a great job recently, and i think it's certainly time for churches and church leaders to lead the way. if we are so adamant about God creating the universe then we must be willing to treat the resources of the planet accordingly. so i'm launching this new blog to deal specifically with these issues. i know i could post them on here, but there is already other content on here, and i want to devote the other blog solely to the environmental purpose. i'm going to try to write on the other blog at least once a week. i'm also going to try to write more on here, and as my life faces some changes soon, i doubt i'll have any lack of material. i'll simply have to make time to share it. but, i hope you'll check out www.goinggreenforgod.blogspot.com as much as you can and share your thoughts about caring for creation.