01 October 2007

not funny

i've been told for most of my life that i have a good sense of humor. usually it comes across sarcastically as perhaps this blog demonstrates. i make fun of a lot of things and point out the absurd. but i have always been a fan of comedy. i love hearing jokes and ridiculous stories that make me laugh. i've listened to all kinds of comics and been exposed to humor of every stripe.

i read a blurb in my newsweek tonight about kathy griffin winning an emmy. during her acceptance speech she dismissed the customary thanking of a higher power and declared "suck it, Jesus." i can only see this as a transparent stunt from an attention starved person to get some publicity. well, unfortunately it worked.

she's been denounced by several Christian groups including one from good ole pigeon forge, tn. at the same time, "atheist groups" have rallied to her support, or perhaps the support of free speech. i don't think the speech itself is really that big of a deal. i mean, if it offends you then i guess it is a big deal - but i don't care about what she said very much, and i doubt God cares either.

consider the state of the world right now. millions are dying needlessly from disease, war, and poverty. most churches seem to care more about internal matters (helping themselves) than the many crises in the world (helping others). so imagine God seeing what a mess we've all made of creation. then someone walks up to God and says, "oh, by the way, in this acceptance speech for an award that means nothing a woman said 'suck it, Jesus.'" i feel like God would be really angry that 10 seconds of His life was wasted getting that report. God truly doesn't need us to defend Him. i think it would help so much more if we actually worried about the image of God we portrayed with our lives and the choices we make.

i honestly feel pity for kathy griffin. she's had a sad comedic career and what appears to be a sad life. she craves attention so much she'll say anything. it reminds me of girls i knew in high school and college that would do anything just so some guy (usually a creepy one) would notice them. perhaps the worst thing of all is that she's just not funny. i know some things are relative, and saying this or that isn't funny is such an opinion - but this is a judgment from a great deal of experience about what is or isn't funny. she's not. in none of her work have i ever so much as chuckled. the episode of seinfeld she appeared in was an hilarious episode with a great premise, but it was great in spite of her performance. so i guess to paraphrase jerry from another episode, she doesn't offend me as a Christian, just as someone with a sense of humor.

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